Thank you very much.  We sincerely appreciate your help

On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Don Armstrong <> wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Nov 2012, Gary Wilson wrote:
> > Good day - We have a son taking Computer Science at Ryerson
> > University in Toronto Canada. He is very religious and is concerned
> > that using your software without reading, in detail all of your
> > license agreements including the entire list for both free and
> > non-free suppliers. This is jeopardizing his study. Can you help by
> > clarifying your requirements/understanding of who needs to read
> > what.
> In general, everything which is in the archive, but not in non-free
> follows the DFSG. If you have concerns which are not addressed by the
> DFSG, or you plan on using non-free, we include the licenses of the
> software in the copyright file included in each package.
> That said, we cannot provide any sort of warranty that the software in
> Debian main actually meets the DFSG or is suitable for whatever
> concerns that you have.
> Finally, I should note that the software we distribute is in general
> far more liberally licensed than the vast majority of proprietary
> software.
> Don Armstrong
> --
> "That is why I am still tyrant of [Ankh-Morpork]. The way to retain
> power, I have always thought, is to ensure the absolute unthinkability
> of oneself not being there."
>  -- Terry Pratchett _Unseen Academicals_ p391

Regards.  Gary

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