On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 09:39:07PM +0100, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
> If the player is considered a pedophile, there are opportunities for
> abuse at every corner. Similar to other games, where you have a gun.
> The only game I know that challenges that is Aquaria. After acquiring
> the skill to throw energy balls, most players shoot everything they can
> see. This triggers a monologue from the – usually silent – protagonist
> about how powerful she feels when killing weaker creatures. Ouch.

Again, not ftpteam, just my opinion:

I don't believe this is an entirely fair comparison. Most games where
you kill people it's done in a way that keeps your player as 'ethical',
which is not to say you follow the geneva conventions (perhaps someone
out there can patch a WWII game for this? :) ), but you're on the
ethical 'high ground'. Mostly. Not all of it, but mostly.

Most games where you are unethical and killing a non-hostile force are
often condemmed -- or even banned!

One such game was Postal 2. Postal 2 is a game where you don't have to,
but can, shoot innocent people. You can play through without shooting a
single person, but it's very hard. It goes so far as to give you such
weapons as an 'anthrax filled cow head'.

It's intentionally provocitive -- you can play as the taliban, priests,
midgets or any other group that was open to mockery at the time.

As a result, it was banned in NZ and elsewhere in the world.

I think shooting games where you are fighting some force for ethical
good is more similar to pornography then child porn - I'd say games like
Postal 2, where you can kill innocent people for fun to be more similar
to that.

Again, I have not played this game, so I pass no judgement on anything
as of yet.


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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