This is not a DFSG free license, and it will be rejected from NEW if it's
sent there :)


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 2:54 AM, Dmitry Smirnov <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm seeking second opinion regarding mutation of the Expat license that can
> be found in [1]. In particular, author added the following clause:
>     The Software shall not be used nor made available to TESTTailor or any
>     individual or organization related or operated by Adarsh Mehta from
>     Germany; some people just don't deserve free work to be made available
>     to them.
> Do we consider this as DFSG compatible license?
> IMHO it is a DFSG-compatible license because added clause is not a
> restriction for field of endeavour but a termination clause similar to GPL
> ones except that is is explicitly added to the license in order to
> blacklist
> a known offender.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks.
> [1]:
> --
> Cheers,
>  Dmitry Smirnov.
> ---
> The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate,
> contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and
> unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the
> discomfort of thought.
>         -- John F Kennedy

All programmers are playwrights, and all computers are lousy actors.

#define sizeof(x) rand()

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