jonathon <> writes:

> The source code for the ephemeris is physical observations of the stars,
> planets, and other bodies in it.

The physical observations are not a work of expression; likewise, my
physical observation of a mountain is not a work of expression. They may
be the “source of the data” in some sense, but that sense is not
relevant for figuring out the license on a work of expression.

In the mountain example, the mountain is not a work of expression;
a digitally-recorded photograph of that moment at a place and time *is*
a work of expression. It may even be the source form of the work.

The “physical observations of [natural phenomena]” does not describe a
form of the work, so it cannot be the source form of the work.

Rather, the source form of the work is whichever form of the work – in
this case, some specific form of the ephemeris data – which would be
preferred for the purpose of making modifications to the work.

 \      “Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do |
  `\                          so too.” —Voltaire, _Essay On Tolerance_ |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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