On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 1:45 AM Paul Jakma wrote:

> There is an issue with the GPL style copyleft of abuse by corporates. In
> particular, abusing the ability to discharge source distribution
> privately, and then using various forms of side-contracts to
> (indirectly) "discourage" recipients from exercising their GPL rights.
> As this all happens in private, it makes it hard for copyright holders
> to take action. It can be hard to gather basic facts (e.g. the side
> contracts). The recipients - who are potentially having their GPL
> rights impinged - are not necessarily willing to even tell the
> copyright holders about this, never mind co-operate. Etc.

If you are talking about grsecurity, the contract from 2017 was on
their website, is now on archive.org but the current version is not


> Then there's the more general issue that the AGPL doesn't really work
> for non-interactive distributed-system software, should you want your
> distributed-system software to have its source be made available to
> anyone operating other bits (or implementations of) the distributed
> system.

I think that would depend on the protocol used and that many of them
would have room for extensions that could include instructions for
obtaining source code.



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