On Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 5:41 AM Francesco Poli wrote:

> Then, the strategy could be similar to [flashplugin-nonfree]:
> a package (in Debian contrib) that automatically downloads and install
> the non-free module from the upstream distributor, and installs it...

IIRC the Debian maintainers of Firefox are now Mozilla employees. I
speculate that Mozilla has a contract with Google about how they bring
Widevine to Firefox users. I speculate that a downloader package might
not comply with that contract. I speculate that Mozilla would not be
willing to deviate from that contract for Firefox upstream since
Firefox users worldwide would lose access to Widevine and to content
they expect to work. I speculate that, due to the contract, modifying
Firefox in Debian to use a downloader package for Widevine might not
be allowed under Firefox's trademark license. That said, it sounds
like a download package could divert the Firefox binaries to a script
that sets the MOZ_GMP_PATH environment variable to the location for
Widevine. That might conflict with the gcm-sources I mentioned in an
earlier mail though, depends on what order the environment variable
and the gcm-sources are loaded in.




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