On Sat, 2020-09-12 at 15:44 +1000, David Bannon wrote:

> Yes, I understand that. However, LCL Packages usually have no existence
> outside the Lazarus IDE.

IIRC the Lazarus IDE has a way to do command-line builds, this came up
in the TomboyReborn RFS #964087.

Is TomboyReborn the same thing as tomboy-ng?
Do we need multiple Tomboy rewrites in Debian?

> Sorry, unsure of what you mean here.

Depending on how you read it (strictly or with implications), the
license either does or does not allow modifications (DFSG item 3). A
license that depends on how you read it is an unclear license. An
unclear license is dangerous since you cannot know what the author
meant to allow. If you cannot know what the author meant then you
cannot be sure you are allowed to do what the unclear parts say. If you
think you are allowed to modify the code but the author does not and
then you modify the code, the author could sue. Personally I would be
fairly uncomfortable with relying on such a license. There are such
unclear licenses in packages in Debian, but usually they come with a
clarification via email about the intent of the clauses.


In a recent case of this sort of thing that I discovered, I concluded
that the license was intended to cover modification, but only after one
of RedHat's lawyers clarified how they dealt with this case.


Also, based on Daniel Hakimi's mail, it sounds like the KControls
author may have illegally changed the license, since there is no
indication in the commit message that they got approval from all the
copyright holders and looking at the git history there are a couple of
other contributors other than Tomas Krysl, but OTOH their contributions
don't appear to be large so maybe they aren't copyrightable.

> Paul, I wonder if we can talk about the "should"s and the "must"s ? I
> really have no control over TK's license. If its unacceptable, then
> thats what it is. At some time in the future, its just possible i will
> use RichMemo instead but until then, this approach is the only one open
> to me. 

When it comes to unclear licenses, there is no should vs must, there is
only a murky zone where you cannot know anything correctly. Which way
to go really depends on the interpretation of the person reading the
license. I'm not a member of the Debian ftp-master team so I cannot
really predict which way they will go as the reject FAQ does not
mention unclear licenses.




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