On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 09:16:21AM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
> IANAL so I may be confused, but AIUI that takedown is based on the
> notion that there is no legitimate use for youtube-dl, which is
> nonsense, as this comment clealy demonstrates:
>   "youtube-dl is pretty much the only thing that makes use of CC
>    licenses on YouTube meaningful at all, btw."

Obligatory: IANAL, and I am not a DM (although that's on my todo list).

Phil, the takedown is based on it having unit tests with some videos that
definitely aren't under a CC license. You ought to at least read the takedown
notice itself before accusing its authors of being moronic.

> we're very clearly not making a cent out of publishing this stuff,

DSFG 1 (Free Distribution) and 6 (Fields of Endeavor), although the image that
really comes to mind is that of Richard Stallman animatedly advocating the Four


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