> On May 23, 2024, at 13:40, Francesco Poli <invernom...@paranoici.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 May 2024 23:13:13 -0500 Ben Ramsey wrote:
> [...]
>> I’ve updated the RFC according to your suggestions.
> Good!   :-)
> Thanks for taking the time to do so.
>> You may find a diff of the changes here:
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_license_update?do=diff&rev2%5B0%5D=1716433712&rev2%5B1%5D=1716437291&difftype=sidebyside
>> Please let me know if you have any feedback on these changes.
> After a short review, they look OK to me.
> The only thing that I would emphasize more is: the PHP License, version
> 4.0 should not just have the text identical to the 3-clause BSD
> license, it should *be* the 3-clause BSD license. In other words, the
> PHP Group would not merely publish a new license with a text identical
> to the text of another license: the PHP Group would *designate*[^NOTE]
> the 3-clause BSD license as the new version of the PHP License (i.e.:
> version 4.0).
> [^NOTE]: or *elect*, or *adopt*, the most suitable word should be
>    chosen by an English native speaker (which I am not) with legal
>    training (which I do not have)...
> I think that, this way, clause 5 of the PHP License, version 3.01,
> would be triggered, but there would be no need to explicitly mention
> "PHP License, version 4.0" in the source code of a project that decides
> to upgrade its license (from PHP License, version 3.01 to its
> successor, the 3-clause BSD license).
> The reason would that "PHP License, version 4.0" would become an alias
> of "3-clause BSD license"...
> Similarly for the Zend License, of course.
> This is how I see it, but, clearly, it has to be checked with someone
> more knowledgeable than me about the legal aspects.

Again, great suggestions, Francesco. Many thanks!

I’ve made a few small changes that make it clear that the PHP License, version 
4, and Zend Engine License, version 3, both adopt the 3-clause BSD License.

Changes here: 


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