❦ 22 décembre 2017 19:58 -0800, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> :

> Apache 2.0 requires distributing any NOTICE file along with derivative
> works, but this is easy to forget.  In many cases, we have effectively
> the same information in debian/copyright, but even if this is the case
> for a specific release, it's not guaranteed to stay the case in the
> future and it's easy to forget to check.

The license says notice can be provided with the source form: "within
the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative
Works". IMO, that's already what we do as this is how we comply with
GPL-like licenses.
"You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive."
                -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Study in Scarlet"

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