Vincent Bernat <> writes:
>  ❦ 22 décembre 2017 19:58 -0800, Russ Allbery <> :

>> Apache 2.0 requires distributing any NOTICE file along with derivative
>> works, but this is easy to forget.  In many cases, we have effectively
>> the same information in debian/copyright, but even if this is the case
>> for a specific release, it's not guaranteed to stay the case in the
>> future and it's easy to forget to check.

> The license says notice can be provided with the source form: "within
> the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative
> Works". IMO, that's already what we do as this is how we comply with
> GPL-like licenses.

We currently allow distribution of a binary-package-only Debian image
along with a written offer of source or, for non-commercial distribution,
a simple pointer to the Debian source archives.  This complies with the
GPL but wouldn't, at least by my reading, comply with the Apache 2.0
license unless we include the NOTICE files in binary packages.  (Which is
fairly trivial to do -- in fact, I wonder if we should just solve this
problem in debhelper and add NOTICE to the default debhelper
dh_installdocs whitelist.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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