On 15/12/15 07:07 AM, Alexandre Abbes wrote:
> Hi
>   I received the last email with great interest. I am currently no
> debian developper, but I could be interested to participate to
> maintain or improve debian-live , although I do not know how much time
> it would take.
> It is possible that some extra complexity  could be removed to lighten
> the system. The squeeze version was easy to use and starting with this
> could be a solution.

Not an idea that I would back. I think the current live-build in
unstable is a very significant improvement over the squeeze version. If
you like live-build and want to see it survive, continue using it, and
help improve the current version.

However, as Iain said, it just happens to be more complex than the
Debian CD team needs to build the official Debian live images. That's
not to say there's no value in live-build. It's just not the tool they need.

>   I could not find the live manuals anymore. Where are they now?

A copy of the latest version from unstable is available at:


Or you can install the version of live-manual that matches the version
of live-build you are using (i.e. the one in your Debian release).

>   I am convinced that debian must have a working live sytem, since it
> is a safe way to have a debian system without touching the hdd. I have
> my own debian live systems, and no hard one for years and it works
> perfectly.

No fear. We are working to ensure it will continue to have one. It's
just that this is not dependent on the future development of live-build.


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