Does anyone know if there is a environment? variable that I can pull from
LIVE-BUILD that i could use for a DIALOG progress bar? Or what would be a
normal approach for extracting progress to DIALOG

I think from memory there are around 50 individual scripts that run from lb
bootstrap to lb binary.

Also any advice on getting the Live-config hooks to run.. if I
understand it correctly the below syntax should be OK? I've read through
the man/ual several times - but my hooks are blunt.

lb config noauto \
--bootappend-install "boot=live components hooks=filesystem" \

= any scripts in /lib/live/config-hooks/

or I could use

--bootappend-install "boot=live components mycustomhook" \

either should run?

Any advice or input would bee very much appreciated ;)


*Matthew Quirke*
New Zealand
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