Hi all,
I have some proposals for Debian-Med :)

First of all, why don't we use an IRC channel? I've created #debian-med on OFTC
(irc://irc.oftc.net/debian-med), you could join whenever you want :) (and we
should promote it in our wiki-pages, in our debian.org/ page and in our
debian-med.alioth.debian.org page). The IRC channel might be a point to let our
users contact us -- most people are not fond of mailing lists, because scared
of receiving tons of emails.

Second, why don't we create something better than a _wiki_ on
http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org ? That's the main page for most of Alioth's
projects. I've actually added a link to redirect people on the wiki, but we can
do better :)

Third... well, something will come to my mind :)

Have a nice day,

P.S.: /me likes smileys ;)

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