Il giorno Sun, 30 Sep 2007 22:01:17 +0200 (CEST)
Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> ...
> Well, I would love to have other interactive tools and I even have some
> ideas how to do this.  One ide is to have the web pages on
> well, at least the links to the subsections that lists our work we just have
> done, auto generated from the meta packages and the depnedant package files.
> Another idea is to get some status about the packages that are drawn in by
> the meta packages shown on a web page - I'll try to work something out
> in Extremadura.

To work with the Debian BTS, we could use its SOAP interface [1], that shouldn't
be too much difficult.

About the dependency thing you're talking about, we could parse the *.changes,
or even Packages.gz to get the packages in the repository... or even parse what<package> outputs for each package. We should write a
roadmap, or kinda.

(once I made a simple PHP script which parsed a .diff file (*.diff.gz
gunzipped) and output various info -- I'm uploading it to [2] -- the diff file
is a sample diff from one of my packages). We can use this script to take
information about our packages ;)

> > P.S.: why is my message marked as spam? (ok, I don't know german, but the
> > word "spam" seems to be international ;) ) -- I'm posting via
> > usenet gateway.
> Don't know?  AT my side it was not marked as SPAM.

I got a [RKI-Spam-Verdacht] tag on the reply I received. Not on this, though.

> Kind regards and thanks again for your ideas
>            Andreas

You're welcome.



P.S.: I saw you joined the channel yesterday evening. I didn't answer because I
was hanging out with my girlfriend ;)

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