Hello Andreas, 

> I admit I somehow regret that I had the following GSoC idea to late:
>   Provide test suites for all Debian Med packages
> I think this makes a great GSoC project - we should remember this for
> next year.

One option to provide some tests in this case could be based on publicly
available data, e.g. from [1]: Create results with the old version of
the software and test the new version against these results. This should
not be too difficult, but the selection of the data should be done by
someone who actually knows about this gene sequencing stuff in order to
obtain a test set that covers a wide variety of possible inputs.

> I guess the code copy of the old seqan will show several C++ problems as
> well.  So IMHO trying to work with this is similarly fruitless as trying
> to port the code to new seqan.
Usually solving these errors is quite straightforward, so if you think
that for know it would make sense to include the old code, I could do
the porting to the new C++ compiler, and then, when we have a test set
we could focus on moving to the new seqan. 


[1]  http://www.gigasciencejournal.com/

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