Hi Olivier,

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 02:29:17PM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> I see some uploads to unstable during the freeze. I understood it was
> not expected as fixes that need to go to "next stable" go through
> uploads to unstable.
> While this should not be an issue for packages that do not present
> issues at this time, I'd like to know if we should anyway push to unstable ?
> I kept some packages update aside 'till now due to the freeze.

Uploads of new packages to unstable are fine - for packages in testing
its somehow risky.  I also considered to relax a bit for certain
packages but just noticing bug #860491 which is totally unrelated to
some Debian Med package requiring a new upload of gnumed-client seems to
be a good example that it makes sense to follow the freeze policy
strictly.  Ther is always the option to use testing-proposed-updates but
it creates the need of manual intervention.

If you are aware that you are doing the wrong thing but your case by
case estimation makes you convinced that there will be no real harm done
by uploading to unstable its possibly a low risk these days if you are
aware of the potential consequences.  I personally do not yet do it but
I might start uploading to unstable if we are about 30 bugs away from
release or so.

Kind regards



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