On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 03:03:35PM +0200, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
> just my 2 cents, but I've done it like this so far:
>  - If there is a new version of a package which is not in testing (e.g.
>    entered unstable after the NEW freeze) then I upload straight to
>    unstable as there's no need to stay close to the frozen testing for
>    fixes.

>  - If there's a frozen version in testing, I open a new 'next' or
>    'experimental' branch in git with the new version and upload it to
>    experimental. Since experimental is separate, once the freeze is
>    over it should just be a matter of rebuilding and re-uploading the
>    new version to unstable.

This is exactly the only reason to avoid unstable.

>  - If a package is completely NEW, then it's fine to upload directly to
>    unstable since there's no way it will affect the frozen stretch.


> Any comments or suggestions from the others?

You follow exactly freeze policy.
> I didn't to this out of habit for ariba (uploading to unstable) and of
> course now there's an (upstream related) RC bug for the stretch version
> with a newer version in unstable :/
> This would have been more of a routine if unstable would have been clean...

That's Murphy's law:  You only need to fix something in testing if you
failed to follow release policy and uploaded to unstable for a single

Kind regards



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