On Wednesday, April 25 2018, Sébastien Jodogne wrote:

> Dear Debian mentors,

Hey, Sébastien,

Disclaimer: I'm not a cmake expert.

> I write this message as the maintainer of the Debian packages of the
> Orthanc project [1].
> The Debian packages for Orthanc and its associated plugins pay
> attention to the fact of *not* setting "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release",
> as requested by the Debian policy [2].

TBH I myself wasn't aware of such policy, and there's nothing official
written anywhere, as far as I know.  I've recently uploaded a package
(peek) which was built using cmake and had to use
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release because otherwise it'd just build in "debug
mode", as you noticed.

> However, the source code of the upstream Orthanc project makes many
> calls to the "assert()" function of the standard library [3], in order
> to help with the early tracking of bugs. Because those assertions are
> extremely time-consuming, they should only be enabled in debug builds.

So, the only occurrence of NDEBUG that grep could find was:

  $ grep NDEBUG -r
  Core/Cache/LeastRecentlyUsedIndex.h:#ifndef NDEBUG

And you're right, it does make a sequence of calls to 'assert' in a
loop.  I find it curious how cmake works, by assuming that you want to
enable debug code whenever you don't use "Release" as the
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.  From a quick search, I noticed that a few projects
choose to create another flag for controlling NDEBUG separately, which I
think is a reasonable thing to do.  LLVM seems to be one example.

> The assertions can be disabled by defining the macro "NDEBUG" while
> compiling the software. Invoking CMake with
> "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" would make "NDEBUG" defined, at least for
> gcc and clang [4]. However, because packages of the Orthanc family are
> built using "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None", "NDEBUG" is left undefined, and
> the Orthanc log warns about bad performance:
> $ sudo apt-get install orthanc
> $ head /var/log/orthanc/Orthanc.log
> W0424 13:01:40.158634 main.cpp:1298] Orthanc version: 1.3.2
> W0424 13:01:40.158696 main.cpp:1146] Performance warning: Non-release
> build, runtime debug assertions are turned on
> I have not been able to find a definite answer about how "NDEBUG"
> should be properly handled. I am considering to add the following
> arguments wile invoking CMake in debian/rules in order to have
> "NDEBUG" manually defined:
> Please someone could validate this approach wrt. Debian policy? TIA!

As I said, I could not find anything official about using "Release" as
the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, but I understand if you don't want to enable it.

That being said, I think your approach is sensible.  Just disable NDEBUG
through CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS, and that should do it.  This is cleaner than
patching the code to remove the assertions, and you can put a comment on
d/rules explaining why you're disabling NDEBUG "by hand".

My two cents.


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  • CMake and NDEBUG Sébastien Jodogne
    • Re: CMake and NDEBUG Sergio Durigan Junior

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