On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 01:18:09PM +0200, Liubov Chuprikova wrote:
> > I think it is OK to test only part of the tools.  May be you can inform
> > upstream by opening an issue that the hard coded memory could create
> > trouble in practical applications.
> Thanks for the idea! I have checked and they are already appeared to have
> one issue opened [1]. Except it is stated to be about compressed input
> files, not about memory, I got the same error and the problem was
> definitely with running out of memory. I'll write a bit later to this
> issue, too.

> > Not really critical but please add some information about the test data
> > sets in README.source - preferably some "wget ..." or so.
> I put info about test data files in d/copyright. Should I transfer it to
> README.source instead?

No, that's fine.  I should have checked there as well.
I'll upload as is.
> PS: Once you have added this do you know with which package you want to
> > continue or should I make some suggestions?
> I thought about these packages: ncbi-entrez-direct, sra-sdk, rsem,
> soapdenovo, soapdenovo2, kmer, treeview, fastdnaml.

All sound pretty useful.  So just go for it and keep us updated about
any issue.

> Not sure about artemis.

As far as I can see its a GUI application.  If you find sensible ways to
do some CLI checks that would be perfect.  BTW, if you have some Java
background - will you be able to get the latest version build?

> All are familiar to me to some extent. I'll be happy to have any
> suggestions or recommendations from you! :-)

I'll come up with further suggestions once you are done with these.

Kind regards


> [1] https://github.com/bioinfo-ut/GenomeTester4/issues/4


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