On 1/25/19 11:00 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 09:35:36AM +0100, olivier sallou wrote:
>>> I fixed htsjdk and pushed fixes to git. I have not yet uploaded however, I
>>> want to test if picard-tools still builds with this version. Will upload if
>>> everything is ok (though some other packages depending on it may fail if
>>> something is broken in API... as usual....)
>> Bad news. Building picard-tools with new htsjdk fails. Some ~40 tests are
>> failing.
>> Tried to rebuild picard-tools with current htsjdk (to be sure it was not
>> related to an other updated lib), and it works. So issue is with new htsjdk.
>> picard-tools and htsjdk are too "linked" with specific versions... ;-(
>> It is not a compilation issue, but testing results, so I cannot detect what
>> is the problem for picard with this new release.
>> htsjdk code is up-to-date in git, but uploading this version would break
>> picard-tools.
> Picard-tools has also a little bit newer version than we have.  Would
> you mind checking latest upstream?  I'd asume that the both latest
> versions should match.

good news, latest picard-tools (though a minor release) matches the
latest htsjdk...

I have uploaded htsjdk and once accepted will push picard-tools with
requirements on this htsjdk release.

We'll see if some other packages also have issues with htsjdk....

> Kind regards
>         Andreas.
Olivier Sallou
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Irisa, Campus de Beaulieu

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