Am Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2020, 14:59:40 CET schrieb Sonali Warunjikar:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 02:47:15PM +0100, Sebastian Hilbert wrote:
> > If you want to try talking to the device look at
> >
> >[1]
> Present worry is getting reliable data to replay in the first place. As I
> said usbmon truncates bytes and I have several observations to believe
> that wireshark data is not reliable - even the endpoints it claims to have
> talked with are not present in lsusb output of the same device. Its export
> is totally buggy as well.
> Hence I'll try binary interface of usbmon next time around which will be
> (hopefully) more reliable.
> > I wonder how you would be able to see that something is happening. Is
> > there an LED that provides feeback ?
> At present, if anything other than 'Input/Output Error' or 'Timeout'
> occurs I'd consider that as progress! I don't think 'read' is a problem
> itself and it's unlikely that I'll miss the data that is returned - of
> course I can confirm that only after going past these errors.

If software capture is a pain maybe hardware can help.[1]


Seems like they are around $100 including shipping. Not exactly cheap but if it 
works and
saves you hours of wasted time ....

There is always ebay to sell it once you are done :-)

I am sure there are other solutions as well.


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