Am Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2020, 13:09:20 CET schrieb Sonali Warunjikar:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 11:32:10AM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> > Very nice !
> I figured out more things, mainly the answers to confusions I had in the
> last mail. The answers to my questions are:
> Host always initiates the interaction. It is called 'i' if host is seeking
> information and not sending any data. It is called 'o' if host is sending
> data to the device. The 'o' requests are associated with data.
> I am now able to play back the entire control sequence from os
> initializing the device generically to the app initializing it. I'll
> systematically write this code as a playback a recorded usbmon trace
> (untruncated one, thanks to the citation in previous post).
> Then 2 things remain:
> - non control interactions (mainly I and B type for this device)
> - figuring out variable part of the whole interaction and parameterizing
>   it
> Will update the thread when some progress is made. Looks like as far as
> the basic knowhow is concerned, I may not have too many more questions.

Sounds good. Persistence will pay off.

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