Control: tag -1 upstream
Control: forwarded -1

Hi Aaron,

I have been looking in the issue below in the package
libbio-db-ncbihelper-perl.  If I understood correctly, the main
point of the package is to rely on resources made available on
the Internet.

On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 14:05:39 +0100 gregor herrmann <> wrote:
> not ok 44
> #   Failed test at t/Taxonomy.t line 102.
> #          got: 'Actinomycetia'
> #     expected: 'Actinobacteria'

For reference, I see along those lines:

101         ok $n = $db->get_Taxonomy_Node('1760');
102         is $n->scientific_name, 'Actinobacteria';

I would think the test 44 in t/Taxonomy.t is fooled following an
update in the resource the package fetches on the Internet
( if I
trust the package description).  Hence I would be tempted to
think the kind of bacteria is not necessarily that important,
but that a character string could be fetched.  But I'm not at
all a specialist of the field so prefer referring to your expert
view.  (and I am also concerned that the previous tests rely on
a perhaps magic index to refer to human genome, but maybe it is
a "well known index".)

In any case, I though upstream would be interested, so I took
the liberty to open an issue in their VCS[0].


Gregor, Many Thanks for having spotted this in the first place!

As the purpose of the package is to fetch resources on the web,
I did something better described by the following commit[1].


It looked to me like the most sensible thing to do, since the
entire set of tests part of smoke are otherwise skipped.
I am not sure if there were more simple ways to approach that.
I am concerned that all test are skipped and considered valid.
Here is what I see if I smoke-env NO_NETWORK_TESTING=1:

        autopkgtest [18:43:55]: test autodep8-perl-build-deps: 
/usr/share/pkg-perl-autopkgtest/runner build-deps
        autopkgtest [18:43:55]: test autodep8-perl-build-deps: 
        t/EntrezGene.t ..... skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        t/GenBank.t ........ skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        t/GenPept.t ........ skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        t/Query-Genbank.t .. skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        t/RefSeq.t ......... skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        t/Taxonomy.t ....... skipped: NO_NETWORK_TESTING
        Files=6, Tests=0,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.07 cusr  
0.00 csys =  0.09 CPU)
        Result: NOTESTS
        autopkgtest [18:43:55]: test autodep8-perl-build-deps: 
        autopkgtest [18:43:55]: test autodep8-perl-build-deps:  - - - - - - - - 
- - results - - - - - - - - - -
        autodep8-perl-build-deps PASS

I'm sorry, I'm not sure that was that much of a Low Hanging
Fruit, but that might do for this month's session hopefully.  :)

Thanks for your thoughts,
Étienne Mollier <>
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