"Lex Spoon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I actually rather like having IF games controlled by dpkg -- just like I
> like having all the other sofwtware and even documentation I use under
> it.

Me too, no doubt.

>  The only issues I see are:
>       1. There are a *lot* of IF games!
>       2. They are small individually.
> Both can be aided by having groups of games when possible -- e.g., one
> pack for each IF competition.

I don't think this would work well. At least I don't have much clues
how to divide them up. But feel free to provide bundles.

> Also, both would be alleviated if the "games" category had a
> subcategory for IF.

How would this help? One thing that prevents me from packaging up 30
IF games is that it would bloat up Packages.gz (and the archive) for
all users, where each individual game would have quite small an
audience, and most are non-DFSG-free to boot.

One could put those on an apt-able source outside of Debian, e.g. the
if-archive itself.

But to make more than a handfull of packages needs another
semi-automatic process. I'd rather write an installer and let the user
choose exactly which game she wants.

> At any rate, we already have a system for managing installed
> programs. 

Indeed, but the IF games only need a very small part of the dpkg
functionality, anyway. They don't have dependencies, and need no
installation/setup apart form being placed in the right directory.

> Is there really no way to use it?

It is possible but not more attractive to me.


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