"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In the bug you state your intention is to simply offer a downloader
> that will retrieve the games.

And this is available already.

> So why all of the dpkg confusion here? Seems mucking with dpkg's
> files is a BAD idea.

Well, my goal is to make upgrading "just work" without downloading
more than necessary. But you're probably right in that the contortions
are not worth it.

> Although I wonder why we even need an installer package since
> downloading these amounts to browsing an ftp archive and grabbing
> one or two files. Perhaps we should just remove the packages and
> forget about it. Not all problems need an engineering solution.

But ... but ... engineering is fun.

Think of it this way: we're sweating-off 6 non-free packages for the
price of an additional contrib installer package. All without losing
any significant functionality.


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