control: block -1 by 819016

Hello Giafranco,

> FWIW adding "u" to the strings indeed fixed the issue
> e.g. 'string' becomes u'string' (IIRC forcing unicode)

thanks, it's been confirmed by upstream and promptly fixed on the
upstream repository [1].

> BTW, the Python policy is something like
> "python-foo" means "import foo" works.
> Adding str migth deviate from the policy, you might want to ask #-python
> about this specific issue (and quote the conversation here)

thanks for letting me know about the potential Policy issue with the
package name. After discussing it at #debian-python [2], it seems that
the deviation would be acceptable, however it was suggested that the
conflicts as a whole would be better solved by renaming the *existing*

<p1otr> there are 2 reported installations of python3-jellyfish on popcon - I'd 
rename the other python3-jellyfish now (module and binary package) and a then 
upload yours with python3-jellyfish name

> thanks, I'll wait for your action,

I have commented on #819016 in the hopes of discussing the new approach
with the maintainer of the existing jellyfish package, and I'll ping
you back once the situation is sorted out.

Again, thanks a lot,

Diego M. Rodriguez
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