Hi Andrey,

thank you for your review!

On 06/13/2016 02:35 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> debian/nlohmann-json-dev.doc-base:
> "Document: json" is too generic, remember it must be unique.
fixed, it matches the package name nonw

> debian/rules:
> There is too many commented out dh_make example lines, you should remove
> them if you don't need them.

> debian/README.source:
> It says "You WILL either need to modify or delete this file"
file deleted

> debian/patches:
> Patch names should end with .patch

> debian/copyright:
> It has Files-Excluded: test/catch.hpp but the tarball still contains this
> file.
i don't know what i'm doing wrong. i've tried multiple sytaxes, but the
file somehow resists of being excluded of the tarball

> Consider using the same license as the upstream for debian/.
whats would be the benefit of this?

> The format specification doesn't know about the License-Reference:
> pseudo-field or whatever it is. Instead you should do the same as for GPL
> licenses, provide a short license grant and add the path of the license
> text. You can look at /usr/share/doc/*/copyright on your system for
> examples.

thanks again,

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