On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 05:06:55PM +0200, Muri Nicanor wrote:
> > debian/copyright:
> > It has Files-Excluded: test/catch.hpp but the tarball still contains this
> > file.
> i don't know what i'm doing wrong. i've tried multiple sytaxes, but the
> file somehow resists of being excluded of the tarball
It works for me. Maybe you don't know that you need to use uscan for the
tarball to be repacked? Note that you'll need to change the version to add
a +ds suffix if you repack the tarball (and use this suffix in

> > Consider using the same license as the upstream for debian/.
> whats would be the benefit of this?
When debian/ actually contains copyrightable information, the license of
the resulting binary packages would be the same as the upstream license
insetad of GPL in your case.


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