Hello David,

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 07:53:09PM +0000, David Hart wrote:
> Many thanks for the offer. I don't mind packaging Bakefile, and it shouldn't 
> be
> difficult to do.
> However will it be accepted into debian? The project is moribund: apart from a
> single commit 3 years ago, it's been unmaintained for 6 years. That was
> supposed to give time for a rewrite which hasn't happened.
> On the other hand it works as well as ever and is still easily available
> (http://bakefile.org/).
> Do you feel this alters the situation?

If it hasn't bitrotted after 3 years, and you're willing to fix
non-wishlist bugs that get reported to the Debian bug tracker, it would
be fine to upload Bakefile.

Sean Whitton

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