Dear David,

Thank you for your updated package!

I've just reviewed revision 5e12184 of your packaging repository, and
compared it against the points of my previous review.  I'm happy to see
that almost everything was handled.  I also built and installed the
package and tried out 4Pane.

There are two remaining issues.

1) You need to run `dch -r` so that the timestamp in the changelog is
after all the changes you have made.  You have modified this package
since December!  Try to get into the habit of committing a `dch -r`
change before each upload/review.

2) Your ChangeToAutomakeBuild.patch does not actually resolve the DFSG
issues because the files are still present in the upstream tarball,
which can't be distributed by the Debian mirrors.  A copy of those files
is also present in the .patch file...

The usual solution is to repack the upstream tarball to remove the
files, and append '+dfsg' to the upstream version.  Since you are the
upstream author, you could just make a 4.1 release of 4pane not
containing those files.  Whichever one would be more convenient for you.

I still need to do a full d/copyright review before I upload, but I'd
prefer not to do that until the tarball has been repacked.

Sean Whitton

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