Hi Lukas,

> > Gianfranco suggested also asking the pkg-security-team for possible
> > sponsors. It would be great if one of you could have a look and
> > provide guidance! If team maintenance is be possible, I'd like that
> > very much.
> I think arpwatch would be a good fit for the team.  Is there somebody
> willing to review my packaging work?

This seems to be a good fit for the team, indeed.

https://git.somlen.de/arpwatch.git/ returns 403 Forbidden :)

Quick review:

* lintian reports

  P: arpwatch source: source-contains-data-from-ieee-data-oui-db ethercodes.dat 

  but it looks like you already fixed it. If this warning is not relevant
  anymore please override it.

* There's no copyright entry for you


in debian/changelog: why "remove dmassagevendor" ? This changelog entry
could be more verbose.

$ cme check dpkg
Warning in 'dirs:0' value 'usr/sbin': Make sure that this directory is actually 
needed. See 
L<http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#dirs> for details
Warning in 'dirs:1' value 'var/lib/arpwatch': Make sure that this directory is 
actually needed. See 
L<http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dother.en.html#dirs> for details
Warning in 'control source Vcs-Git' value 
'git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/arpwatch.git': An unencrypted
transport protocol is used for this URI. It is recommended to use a
secure transport such as HTTPS for anonymous read-only access.

Warning in 'control source Vcs-Git' value 
'git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/arpwatch.git': URL is not the
canonical one for repositories hosted on Alioth.

Warning in 'control binary:arpwatch Pre-Depends:0' value 'dpkg (>= 1.16.1)': 
unnecessary versioned dependency: dpkg (>= 1.16.1).
Debian has oldstable -> 1.16.18; stable -> 1.17.27; unstable -> 1.18.23; 
testing -> 1.18.23;

Warning in 'copyright Format' value 
'http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/': Format 
uses insecure http protocol instead of https
checking data
check done

$ codespell *
aclocal.m4:784: seperate  ==> separate
aclocal.m4:787: independantly  ==> independently
aclocal.m4:788: dependancies  ==> dependencies
arp2ethers:8: occurance  ==> occurrence
config.sub:1161: nto  ==> not  | disable due to \n
debian/changelog:129: wont  ==> won't, wont
dns.c:140: cannonical  ==> canonical
WARNING: Decoding file ethercodes.dat
WARNING: using encoding=utf-8 failed.
WARNING: Trying next encoding: iso-8859-1
ethercodes.dat:785: Intruments  ==> Instruments
ethercodes.dat:838: Aircaft  ==> Aircraft
ethercodes.dat:1180: Engeneering  ==> Engineering
ethercodes.dat:2083: Internation  ==> International
ethercodes.dat:7447: MANAGMENT  ==> MANAGEMENT

Otherwise, the package looks good. I did not review everything yet,
I'll take a second look later. :)


             Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
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