On 04/06/2017 02:51 PM, Lukas Schwaighofer wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 14:30:24 +0200
> Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de> wrote:
>> The problem is that dirs is only interpreted by dh_installdirs, which
>> is typically run after dh_auto_install, so that wouldn't actually
>> solve your problem.
> It does solve the problem (i.e. the error is gone if `usr/sbin` is
> present in the `dirs` file).  According to the Debian New Maintainers'
> Guide guide, creating directories that are not created by
> `make install DESTDIR=...` as invoked by dh_auto_install is exactly
> what the dirs file is for [1].
> Also, running `dh binary --no-act` in the arpwatch packaging dir yields:
> $ dh binary --no-act
>    (...)
>    dh_installdirs
>    dh_auto_install
>    (...)
> Can you explain in which situations dh_installdirs will be run after
> dh_auto_install? 

Oh, ok, then I was wrong about that. I had in mind that dh binary first
runs dh_auto_install and then all of the other dh_* things required to
actually create the binary package. But if your call to dh shows
differently, then that won't happen, and I was simply wrong about that.

(TBH, I've only ever used dirs for creating empty directory that are
required by the packaged software during runtime.)

Sorry for the noise.


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