

I was analyzing repositories of debian packages by debcheckout tool.

I've known there are 7 types of version control system.

(Arch, Bazzar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Subversion)

My questions are below...

1 All version control systems are using actively? or moving to git
progressively ?

   Are there projects managed by CVS, Arch system ?

2. In case of vim package, there are two repositories(git, mercurial).

    I cloned the repository from mercurial in debian Jessie.

    I also saw the repository of git is more active than mercurial base on
a latest commit date.

    Those are different versions for each of debian version?

3. In case of darcs package, debcheckout tried to download source code from
Darcs repository.


 But, that failed. Because, the project doesn’t exist in the repository. Is
this working well?

4. Some packages don't have repository(No repository found by debcheckout

    like acpi, alsamixergui, apg, aspell-en, autoconf.

    Are there repositories for source code of those packages ?

If you give a answer, I'd appreciate it :)

Junghwan Kang

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