[Somehow this bug didn't reach the debian-mentors mailing list]

> * Package name    : roadfighter
>   Version         : 1.0.0-1
>   Upstream Author : Carlos Donizete Froes <corin...@riseup.net>
> * URL             : https://github.com/coringao/roadfighter

>  It builds those binary packages:
>  roadfighter - Drive a car in a death race
>  roadfighter-data - Drive a car in a death race (Data)

Alas, the game segfaults on start, unless ran from a directory containing
the source tree.  This looks like the same problem as in April 2016.

There's also the unfixed problem of some assets: the .ogg files bear
metadata saying they come from Konami.

Also, fullscreening doesn't work on multi-monitor setups.  It doesn't obey
settings such as which monitor is primary, orientation or positions (most
programs that fail here at least go to (0,0)).  This puts the game on the
wrong monitor, rotated.  Even worse, it permanently destroys randr settings
-- desktop environments (at least XFCE) save modifications, thus setting
everything from scratch is required.

Some displays don't allow non-native resolutions at all.

As far as I know, fixing this is possible but quite tricky in SDL1.2, a
non-issue in SDL2 which doesn't ever try to change resolutions (impossible
on non-CRTs anyway) but tells the GPU to scale.

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