On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 02:53:04AM -0200, Carlos Donizete Froes wrote:
> > Alas, the game segfaults on start, unless ran from a directory containing
> > the source tree.  This looks like the same problem as in April 2016.
> The binary has to be in the same directory where it finds the data: graphics,
> sound and maps.

I don't see why: a glance at the code shows that all (or most) file-handling
already comes through a single function, which can be made to prepend a

> For the time being, I did not learn to work using "debian/rules" or creating a
> script in the debian directory.

That'd be necessary only if you can't patch the source (ie, non-free closed
binary) or it's prohibitively hard to do so.  In this case, altering asset
loading functions looks trivial.  It'd probably be best to pass the path as
a define from the Makefile -- preferably if you can persuade the upstream to
do so to make life easier for other distributions.  And I believe you have
quite good contacts with current upstream. :p

> > There's also the unfixed problem of some assets: the .ogg files bear
> > metadata saying they come from Konami.
> Thank you for notifying us of this case. I corrected this bug with some sounds
> and changed the metadata. It's in my GitHub account.[1]
> [1] - https://github.com/coringao/roadfighter/tree/master/sound

Uhhh... were the tags indeed incorrect?  Merely altering the metadata
doesn't make copying the music legal, and Konami is quite a litigious

> > Also, fullscreening doesn't work on multi-monitor setups.  It doesn't obey
> > settings such as which monitor is primary, orientation or positions (most
> > programs that fail here at least go to (0,0)).  This puts the game on the
> > wrong monitor, rotated.  Even worse, it permanently destroys randr settings
> > -- desktop environments (at least XFCE) save modifications, thus setting
> > everything from scratch is required.
> > 
> > Some displays don't allow non-native resolutions at all.
> The resolution of this game is 512x384 in window mode by default.
> You do not have the option to play full screen at the moment.
> I'm still working with the source code of this game to have this option.

The window is really tiny, making the game quite unfun, especially on HiDPI
displays.  Multi-screen setups are moderately popular -- you still don't
have to support them, but it'd be bad to break them to the level the current
version does.  But, if you're indeed moving to SDL2, trying to fix this in
SDL1.2 is moot.

> > As far as I know, fixing this is possible but quite tricky in SDL1.2, a
> > non-issue in SDL2 which doesn't ever try to change resolutions (impossible
> > on non-CRTs anyway) but tells the GPU to scale.
> I am a week ago going to SDL2 version of this game, will soon have version
> 1.1.0

Awesome to hear this!

⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ 14:13 < icenowy[m]> are they hot enough? ;-)
⣾⠁⢰⠒⠀⣿⡁ 14:17 < icenowy[m]> I think now in Europe it should be winter? Let
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀                     the BPi warm you ;-)
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ 14:17 <@KotCzarny> yeah, i have a pc to warm me ;)

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