On 18-03-20 18:39:21, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 06:23:36PM +0100, Georg Faerber wrote:
> > On 18-03-20 18:12:36, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > > And what is now the content of you .dput.cf  ?
> > > 
> > > Yes, I'm looking for working  .dput.cf
> > 
> > [mentors]
> > fqdn = mentors.debian.net
> > incoming = /upload
> > method = https
> Questions, just to fulfil my curiosity:
> 1) why do you prefer https over ftp?

That's not a sign of my preference. I've just changed this ~ one
week ago, because uploads weren't possible anymore. I've read the
announcement regarding the change of the incoming directory, but
changing 'ftp' to 'https' just worked. I didn't dig to find [1], but now
I did.. :)

Therefore, the configuration should read:

fqdn = mentors.debian.net
incoming = /pub/UploadQueue
method = ftp
allow_unsigned_uploads = 0
progress_indicator = 2
# Allow uploads for UNRELEASED packages
allowed_distributions = .*

> 2) are you aware that both dput and dput-ng ships with a default
>    'mentors' profile to upload through ftp?

Yes, thanks.


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