On 18-03-20 20:33:14, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 06:50:27PM +0100, Georg Faerber wrote:
> > > Questions, just to fulfil my curiosity:
> > > 1) why do you prefer https over ftp?
> > 
> > That's not a sign of my preference. I've just changed this ~ one
> > week ago, because uploads weren't possible anymore. I've read the
> > announcement regarding the change of the incoming directory, but
> > changing 'ftp' to 'https' just worked. I didn't dig to find [1], but
> > now I did.. :)
> "one week ago" doesn't match anything that happened on mentors.  The
> change we made about the *recommended* ftp upload path (i.e., the old
> one should work just fine) have nothing to do with the http upload
> method.

There was a "~" in front, and yes, you're right, "one week" is different
from "four weeks". But: I don't track this file in git or somewhere
else, so I can't tell for sure, because I've just relied on the provided
config, up until recently. I did so much Debian stuff the last time that
I actually don't remember the exact date. The only thing I'm sure about:
I needed to alter the config recently (within February or March 2018)
because the old config didn't work anymore. Back then I hadn't time to
debug this further, so I've just tried to make the config work.

> What changed, back the 2018-02-23, is that before there was a redirect
> from http to https for everything except /upload, whereas now we
> accidentally moved to redirect everything *including* /upload.
> Apparently there was a reason for that exception that was accidentally
> dropped, but I believe moving to https is fine, and things seem to
> work just fine after s/http/https/ so I'd rather not add that
> exception anymore.

Therefore, nowadays: What's the recommend method to use? Still ftp?

> > > 2) are you aware that both dput and dput-ng ships with a default
> > >    'mentors' profile to upload through ftp?
> > 
> > Yes, thanks.
> Then, especially after you switched your local user configuration to
> use ftp so it's basically the same as the one shipped by dput, why
> aren't you using it?

I'm doing this now, again, after reading the initial mails of this
thread, see above.

I've to admit: I'm not really getting your point, Mattia.


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