On Fri, 29 May 2020 05:33:43 +0000 Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 6:33 PM Roland Plüss wrote:
> > What path do you think should I choose to be best conform with Debian?
> I would package the games into Debian packages so that the source
> data/code is available and built by the Debian packaging, using paths
> something like /usr/share/dlauncher/games/. For games that don't have
> Debian packages (I guess you plan to have a central store or
> something), install the games to the ~/.local/share/dlauncher/games/
> dir since different users will want different sets of games installed.
> You could also add a directory in /usr/local that the sysadmin could
> install games to for all users if they want.
> --
> bye,
> pabs
> https://wiki.debian.org/PaulWise

I should have mentioned a point or two.

The launchers operate on a single central installation directory only
but this does not mean games are necessarily installed there. Delga
files do not need to be physically there. They can be also just
sym-links. The launchers use the content of this directory to populate
the list of installed games.

That said launchers can run delgas without being installed at all. You
can download a delga and just open it and it launches without the need
to be installed at all. Installing though is more convenient but not
required. This requires only the "mime-types" included in the package to
be properly registered.

I'm a bit cautious to allow installing games into the user home
directory. Game files can quickly grow large (up to GB of data). One
reason why I opted for /opt in the first place.

That said the directory used by the launchers can be altered by
env-param DELAUNCHER_GAMES . So for multi-user this can be shifted to
the home-directory with all the potentially size caveats if required.

I think for this package I would prefer /usr/share/delauncher/games with
the option of using env-param or maybe global/local directories in the
future (needs further discussion because this has its own set of problems).

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Game Development and Game Engine Technologies https://dragondreams.ch

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