On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 06:55:42PM +0200, Roland Plüss wrote:
> On 5/30/20 4:45 PM, Tobias Frost wrote:
> > I see those options:
> > - talk to the fox-1.6 maintainer about updating the package to 1.7.
> >   (though I see that they generally stick to released versions and 1.7.* 
> > seems
> >   to be only development snapshots; a question to ask: is the 1.7 ABI 
> > stable already?)
> > - make the features optional that requires 1.7
> > - use only 1.6 features (listed for completeness, as you said you can't)

There is another option I've forgot to mention:
- Talk to the maintainers of 1.6 and work together with them to package
  1.7.  Maybe Florian is happy to get you as (co-)maintainer the 1.7
  package, so you could offer that.

It seems at first glance possible that both versions can be in Debian,
however, the release/security team will not be happy to have both of
them in a stable release, IOW, having two versions can only be a
intermediate solution until all reverse dependencies of 1.6* have been
updated (by patching the respective Debian packages.) More about such
library transision:

If you want to follow this route, your next step would be now to contact
the fox1.6 maintainer by filing a wishlist bug against src:fox1.6, asking
to package the version you need, explaining the situation and maybe (==
if you want) tell them that you would commit helping to offset the extra
work caused by maintaining the development snapshot.

* dak spits out those r-deps:
ace: libfox-1.6-dev
gogglesmm: libfox-1.6-dev
libgwenhywfar: libfox-1.6-dev
pcsc-cyberjack: libfox-1.6-dev
sumo: libfox-1.6-dev
xfe: libfox-1.6-dev (>= 1.6.45)


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