On 5/29/20 4:21 PM, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Control: tag -1 moreinfo
> Hi Roland,
> On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 03:13:34PM +0200, Roland Plüss wrote:
>> On Fri, 29 May 2020 14:21:03 +0200 Tobias Frost <t...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 11:16:18AM -0400, Boyuan Yang wrote:
>>> (..)
>>>> There are other issues but I'd rather stop here. Since you yourself is
>>>> also the upstream,
>>>> it could be possible for you to actually review the software
>>>> buildsystem (scons scripts) since it seems
>>>> to have diverted from traditional software installation procedures on
>>>> UNIX-like platforms. In any case,
>>>> the source repository and packaging scripts your provided need
>> improvement.
>>> It is discouraged to use scons as build system [1]. If you see the
>> possiblity
>>> please change it to something else, (e.g. cmake)
>>> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide#SCons
>> Switching away from SCons is not an option. As I mentioned on IRC the
>> cons against SCons in that article are no cons but incorrectly using
>> SCons or not understanding SCons at all. 
> I'm not aware of this discussion.
>> Like many things in live SCons
>> is like a bazooka: if you handle it correctly it gives you a punch like
>> nothing else but it doesn't prevent you from pointing it at your own feet.
> It is incredible difficult to use scons correctly, as it sometimes lacks 
> proper
> default behaviour. Especially in multiarch and crosscompilations scenarios
> (which is relevant for Debian). But if you say you can handle it, go ahead.
>> If for the debian package improvements are required please tell me
> I do not sponsor scons based packages. 
> However here's something:
> - take a look at the mentors page for your package: there are many lintian
>   reportings to fix. Some of them also indicates that your buildsystem is not
>   properly building or configured.
> - libraries are not built for  Multiarch
> - dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink
> - hardening.
> - debug-file-with-no-debug-symbols
> - dont hardcoding the number of CPUS d/rules, scons _-j8_ )
> (- there mihgt be more lintian stuff)
> More hints:
> - Section X11 is likely wrong. You maybe want games?
> - Spelling errors in binary.
> - new-package-should-close-itp-bug
> - no watch file.
> - A game (engine) should not need a postinst. As said, /opt is off limit for 
> packages. Don't addgroup games.
> - What is about those extern/ directory? There are tarballs… e.g fox*.tar.bz.
>   You can't have embedded code copies, if they are not in Debian they need to
>   be packaged. You should remove the complete extern folder using 
> Files-Exclude, if
>   possible. (The source package is 46MiB…)
> - Where are the fonts in e.g deige/shared/data/data/fonts from? What is the 
> copyright?
>   Same for the icons?
> - You package does not build in a pbuilder enviornment. Missing
>   Build-Dependencies (B-D) e.g on scons.
> - A ton of other B-Ds are also missing (assuming extern lists the libraries 
> you
>   need)
> Looking at your repo:
> https://github.com/LordOfDragons/dragengine/blob/debian/debian/rules lines 
> 34-41
> (you maybe want a install target? It should honour $DESTDIR, though)
> looks quite weird. Also lines 27-29 are weird (clean target not working?)
> Line 53-58 looks fishy to me.
>> and I'll apply the required changes but I will not go back to makefiles.
> For sure you know that cmake is a buildsystem generator. It can
> to create Makefiles, but it does not need to.
> Ok, I found many issues by only barley looking, so I marked the RFS as 
> "moreinfo".
> Please fix the issues and then remove the "moreinfo" tag to have the 
> indication for
> sponsors to take a look again. Please read also the "upstream guide" I posted 
> earlier,
> it contains important information who to package software distribution 
> friendly.

You are looking there at an older package version. I fixed some of these
points already. For the other points I need to check them out in more
detail since some I have no idea what lintian is actually complaining about.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Plüss Roland

Game Development and Game Engine Technologies https://dragondreams.ch

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