On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 04:13:33PM +0200, Roland Plüss wrote:
> On 5/31/20 9:19 AM, Tobias Frost wrote:


> > It seems at first glance possible that both versions can be in Debian,
> > however, the release/security team will not be happy to have both of
> > them in a stable release, IOW, having two versions can only be a
> > intermediate solution until all reverse dependencies of 1.6* have been
> > updated (by patching the respective Debian packages.) More about such
> > library transision:
> > https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions
> >
> FOX-1.7 and FOX-1.6 are not compatible (well, mostly yes but in
> important things not). That said they are different libraries with
> separate include and library names (/usr/include/fox-1.6 vs
> /usr/include/fox-1.7 and the same for libraries). So technically
> applications linking against FOX-1.6 do not have to be change if FOX-1.7
> is added on the same system (the two can coexist). But it depends if two
> library versions of the same library are accepted even if they are disjoint.
Those versions are not disjoint, the new version is just an evolution of the
old one.

Incompatible ABI changes is nothing special and happens all the time in Debian
(called library transistios). As I tried to explain earlier, the maintainer
duty is to resolve this by a transistion when updating the library.

For you, hat means you need either 1.6 for code base or you need to help that
all of Debian is using 1.7. You can't have both versions in Debian…


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