On Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 08:39:36PM +0100, Joan Moreau wrote:
> (1) As a "software provider", what files are expected (besides the
> sources, the Makefile and the binary) ? ( please kindly refer to :
> https://github.com/grosjo/tomboy-reborn )
The sources and the build system to build them. Binaries should never be
shipped in the sources.

> (2) As a "package maintainer" , the error below keeps poping up, so most
> probably I am missing something
I have no idea what does debmake do when you already have some files in
debian/. The doc you are reading certainly doesn't expect that.

> How to concretely create the ".deb" package (which tool does create the
> deb format, what does it contains really )besides the theory not
> describing the actual content) ), so I can pack it directly ?
You don't need to "pack the deb directly", you already have your deb from
checkinstall. On the other hand, if you want a proper package acceptable
in Debian, you shouldn't "pack the deb directly" but write a proper source


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