When you say "write a proper source package ", are you referring to the
actual ".deb"  package ? or something else ?

Bottom line : What is actually needed ? I mean, in concrete terms ?
Something I can actually type on a command line ?
On 2020-07-04 21:23, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

On Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 08:39:36PM +0100, Joan Moreau wrote:
(1) As a "software provider", what files are expected (besides the
sources, the Makefile and the binary) ? ( please kindly refer to :
https://github.com/grosjo/tomboy-reborn )
The sources and the build system to build them. Binaries should never be
shipped in the sources.

(2) As a "package maintainer" , the error below keeps poping up, so most
probably I am missing something
I have no idea what does debmake do when you already have some files in
debian/. The doc you are reading certainly doesn't expect that.

How to concretely create the ".deb" package (which tool does create the
deb format, what does it contains really )besides the theory not
describing the actual content) ), so I can pack it directly ?
You don't need to "pack the deb directly", you already have your deb from
checkinstall. On the other hand, if you want a proper package acceptable
in Debian, you shouldn't "pack the deb directly" but write a proper source

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