debhelper is moved to 12.

I tried but it seems complex. How should I run lintian locally?

In the lintian reports only one error: source-is-missing
Your list contains many errors.
On local Debian 11 with v2.104.0 only two warnings are reported.

Thanks in advance,

Am 29.06.22 um 11:37 schrieb Bastian Germann:
On Mon, 27 Jun 2022 17:16:54 +0000 wrote:
I updated the package and send mails to almost all bugs.
There is only one issue left in How should I handle this?

Mentors gives a hint about
"Package uses debhelper-compat with an old compatibility level"
That is because you have used >= 11 but have to use = 11.
Please move to compat 12 at least; 11 is deprecated.

Please fix the following lintian errors/warnings:
E: exaile: appstream-metadata-legacy-format usr/share/appdata/exaile.appdata.xml
E: exaile: copyright-contains-dh_make-todo-boilerplate
E: exaile: description-starts-with-package-name
E: exaile: helper-templates-in-copyright
E: exaile: package-installs-python-pycache-dir usr/share/exaile/plugins/__pycache__/ E: exaile: package-installs-python-pycache-dir usr/share/exaile/plugins/abrepeat/__pycache__/ E: exaile: package-installs-python-pycache-dir usr/share/exaile/plugins/alarmclock/__pycache__/ E: exaile: package-installs-python-pycache-dir ... use --no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: exaile: copyright-has-url-from-dh_make-boilerplate
W: exaile: extended-description-line-too-long line 2

Running lintian is not optional! Please use that tool yourself so you can help save time for both of us.

You can just leave #706983 alone for now.

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