
I have gotten with

Body:   index packages <package>

the index of Bugs in a package. Now I like to get a specified 
Bugreport-Number to a <package>. Please can anyone tell me the 
right syntax please ?

And what about Bugs which are not more valid for years ?

I have read Bug-Indexes to some Packages which I am interested 
and found many open bugs which do not more exist, because the 
upstreamversion of the <package> has changed several times with 
correcting the Bugs, but they are not closed in Debian.

Can this Bugs closed ?

Please note, that I am tracking all packages (618) which I have 
installed in my Network (31 Servers, routers and workststions). 

So I have a very long list of unresolved Bugs.

I am programming C, ASM, Tcl/Tk and php. 


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