Am 2004-07-22 11:09:18, schrieb Matt Brubeck:

>Use "send <bugnumber>" to get the transcript of a bug, which will

Ah OK, thios was what I was mising...

>tell you which package the bug is assigned to.  See
><> for other commands.

I heve the developers-reference and many othe packages installed, 
but some command are not realy clear...  :-/

>You can also use the web interface at <> to
>look up bug information.

Yes, I now, but I prefer E-Mail :-)

>If the bug report is no longer valid, it should be closed.  You should
>send a message to the bug number, explaining why the bug should be
>closed (if this information is not already in the transcript).  The bug
>will eventually be closed by its owner.

If he is alive !!!  -  Argggg !


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