On Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:34:37 +0100, Julian Gilbey
>> Because the conffile is not a "real" conffile, but rather a shell
>> script being sourced in, and /etc/foo.conf will probably suggest that
>> this conffile is an upstream feature.
>When you say "shell script", do you mean that it's a wrapper script,
>or just a list of settings of the form "VAR=value"?

Just a list of settings as it would be appropriate for init script
defaults. The entire code was ripped from an init script.

> If you want to
>make it clear that it's a Debian-specific thing, surely you can put a
>note to that effect at the top of the file?

Never underestimate the user's stupidity.

>And if it's a wrapper
>script, wouldn't it be a lot better to have the wrapper in /usr/bin,
>with the real program called something like foo.real, and just the
>variable settings in /etc?

Everything else would be a policy violation.


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