Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> struct.h says:
> | #ifndef MAXPATHLEN
> | # define MAXPATHLEN 1024
> | #endif

As long as there are no assumptions in the code that library functions
won't return longer data, that's ok.

> > p Is writing something like:
> >  Note that this license is not compatible with the GPL.  This means that
> >  you can't redistribute the binary of osh if it is complied with libraries
> >  licensed under the GPL.  The debian package is compiled with libc6 and
> >  libncurses5, which seem to have no problem to me (Oohara Yuuma), but I am
> >  not a lawyer.
> > into a Debian pacakge copyright file a good idea?
> I want to avoid a debian-legal flame like "osh violates the GPL".

Can osh be configured to link with various libraries (except the
quoted two) -- IOW, is it information that should concern the
(power)user of the package? If not then I think the statement is not
necessary. There are/were a number of GPL-incompatible packages in

> > o Why are you building the binary with -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer?
> I like optimization, but I don't know it well.  Can you tell me
> a better option?
> * -O : the old version (1.7-8.1) uses it
> * -O2 : the Policy (version, section 11.1) suggests it
>   "Generally the following compilation parameters should be used:"
>   (by the way, it includes -Wall)
> * -O3 : the Policy also suggests it for "Certain binaries (such as
>   computationally-intensive programs)"

> > o are you sending the mods to the upstream ? / have you
> >   contacted the upstream ?
> Not yet.

Please do. At least the fixes for warnings will be useful to them even
if you for some reason won't end up maintaining the package for Debian.


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