Taketoshi Sano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cum veritate scripsit:

>  # Note: you can't do it by
>  #   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug,nostrip" && debuild
>  # because it won't work. Shell variables are not
>  # succeeded to sub-process.
> But it seems to me that you repeated to say the same thing
> in his comment.

Ah, I've probably missed this point.

I don't know what his intent was, but I can see a possibility now.

In fact, I thought he was trying to say that 
"debuild" will unset all variables on invocation, unless
specified otherwise in the command-line.

Maybe he was just talking about shell constructs.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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